London has its very own specific and rich ecosystem that exists within each borough. Each local authority, organisation or community group collectively collaborates to create a strong network for support for their own SEND communities. They offer a range of services, information, and support across London and work together to share ideas, best practices, and build a strong foundation to enable children, young people, adults, and their families to thrive. We all benefit from learning from each other and collaborating to find innovative solutions for our London SEND community.


SNC Champions & Parents/Carers Network

Welcome to our London Community Champions & Parents and Carers. This is a special social media platform like Facebook without privacy issues and unwanted pop-up ads. It’s your space to hang out, connect and learn something new. Join us for free or sign up for our great membership package of support and amazing courses and resources galore.

Also, check out our support and training package for how to become a Community Champion and what they do.

SNC London SEND Directory

Visit our London SEND Directory and discover a range of SEND related information, services and organisation. Look for information from your local borough and explore all that London has to offer families with children, young people and adults with special needs.

SNC London SEND Directory